Zelve Open Aır Museum

Zelve Open Aır Museum

Zelve Open Aır Museum


Zelve Open Air Museum is a unique historical site located in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. It was once a thriving village and home to a monastic community that was built into the rock formations of the valley.

The museum features a series of interconnected dwellings and buildings, including churches, chapels, and living quarters. The dwellings are carved directly into the rock, and many of them are decorated with beautiful frescoes and murals that depict religious scenes.
Visitors to the museum can explore the various buildings and dwellings, which are interconnected by a series of tunnels and passageways. The museum offers a unique glimpse into the daily life of the people who once lived here, and provides insight into the history and culture of the Cappadocia region
Zelve Open Air Museum is a popular destination for tourists visiting Cappadocia, and offers a fascinating look into the history and heritage of this unique and beautiful region of Turkey.

Zelve Open Aır Museum